

Joe Bruhin and an apprenticeI feel working here is an excellent opportunity to explore wood firing and to take a deeper look inside oneself. There are few distractions, it is peaceful and a quiet environment where one can fully concentrate and focus on developing their work and understanding. My studio is situated on 40 acres in the Ozark Mountains, 25 miles south of Mountain View Arkansas. Presently there is an anagama and noborigama to fire. I also have 5000 firebrick that will be used to build another kiln in the future. The assistant is required to work about 30 hours per week. Wood preparation is a big part of it, wood splitting is done with a hydraulic wood splitter not by hand. Keeping the grounds and kiln yard tidy will also be a chore for the assistant. The assistant will be provided with a separate clean living space, all meals, and all clay materials, there is no cost to the assistant. I will give a small allowance for personal items. The assistant will have their own work space and the studio is open seven days a week for their own work after they have finished the assistant chores. They will not be making any of my work. You may have 50-75% of the space in the noborigama and kiln space in the anagama is also shared. Some experience is desired, the more the better obviously. . . but not necessary. More importantly is enthusiasm and sincerity, these are the qualities I seek and value in an assistant.

 Posted by at 11:19 am