May 142009

My last kiln opening (Fall 2008) I sent invitations to friends and collectors of my work to experience and view this event. It was very successful and I feel that all that attended, thoroughly enjoyed themselves. After tea, cheeses and sourdough baguettes we all gathered at the front of the kiln and after a quick invocation, we looked into the fire mouth of the kiln to see what was inside. . . then all handled the warm works as they emerged from the kiln. I scheduled the Autumn ten day firing to coincide with the glorious Ozark Fall color, which usually is the first weekend in November. The kiln opening ceremony has always been something sacred to me and experienced alone, this has been my practice of kiln openings for over twenty years. I am very grateful to have evolved from my closed, secretive, and personal kiln openings to one that I’m open, vulnerable and sharing. My first open kiln opening was one of the happiest days of my life, thank you for this gift Kanzaki san sensei. From now on, all my kiln openings will be open and available to all who are interested. If you would like an invitation to my next kiln opening send me your home or email address and I will see that you receive one. I hope to see you there and together we will celebrate a successful firing that will give birth to beauty.

May 2009: January 2009 Northern Arkansas had a very severe ice storm. Like many I was effected, fortunately for me my kilns and buildings were not damaged but I did lose a lot of pine trees. It hurt and was depressing to see the forests so badly damaged but it was an opportunity for me to gather wood. I have cut, split and stacked twenty cord (sixty ton) of pine. I will be conducting two firings a year, a spring and an autumn firing and intend to fire the anagama twice a year from now on.


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